Zaradi lepih kumulusnih oblakov na nebu, ki so te dni prisotni po Sloveniji, sem se odločil, da naredim en foto sprehod ob reki Ljubljanici. Začetek poti je bil pri Prulah, vendar od začetka fotografije niso nastale, saj se je takrat sonce še skrivalo za oblaki. S Hoyinim nevtralnim sivinskim filtrom (ND1000), sem naredil par daljših ekspozicij pri Tromostovju, nato pa sem ob vračanju nazaj k avtomobilu, škljocnil še pridnega malarja na lestvi.
Due to beautiful cumulus clouds in the sky that are present these days in Slovenia, I decided to do a photo walk along the river Ljubljanica. Starting point was at region Prule, but since the sun was behind the clouds, no pictures are from the beginning. With Hoya neutral density filter (ND1000), I did couple long exposures at Tromostovje (Three Bridges), and then when returning back to the car, I took one street picture of a painter on the ladder.
Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f16, ISO200, 15s |
Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f16, ISO200, 15s |
Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f11, ISO100, 10s |
Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f2, ISO100, 1/800s |
LP, Žiga
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