25.8.2019 - Grand Prix Nova Gorica 2019

Lansko leto ni bilo moje fotografsko leto, po pravici povedano pa tudi to ni najbolj. Pa vendar, bo v letu 2019 vsaj ena objava, tudi to je nekaj.
Zadnja nedelja v avgustu je pri meni rezervirana za ogled in poslušanje dirkalnih motorjev, ki se vozijo in so na ogled v mestu vrtnic, Novi Gorici. Lani je dogodek odplaknil dež, letos pa je bilo vreme 1a, tudi za vožnjo s starodobnikom na sam dogodek.
V boksih sem pofotografiral celoten črno-beli film na TLR fotoaparat Rolleicord Va na film Fomapan 400, tukaj nič novega, poznan film in fotoaparat. Razen stand development - 120 minut, to je bilo edino novo.
Akcijske (barvne) fotografije pa sem fotografiral na testni objektiv in fotoaparat Fujifilm X-H1 + 200mm f2, ki so prijazno posodili pri Fujifilm Slovenija. Motorji so vozili le tri kroge, cesta ni bila zaprta (civilni avtomobili so zapirali pogled) in nova nepoznana foto oprema v praksi je vstota, ki se kaže v fotografijah, pa tudi jaz sem malo zarjavel. Definitivno pa sledi še kakšen test v prihodnje.
Last year was not my photo year, and to be fair this also isn't. But at least there will be 1 post in 2019, and that is something.
For me, the last Sunday in August is reserved to watch and listen to the racing motorcycles that are being ridden and are on display in the town of Roses, Nova Gorica, Slovenia. Last year, the event was canceled due to bad weather, but this year was the weather 1a, even to drive to this event in an oldtimer.
In the parc ferme I photographed the whole black and white film Fomapan 400 on a Rolleicord Va TLR camera. Nothing new here, a familiar film and camera. Apart from stand development - 120 minutes, that was something new.
Action shots (color) were taken with Fujifilm X-H1 + 200mm f2 test lens and camera, which were kindly lent by Fujifilm Slovenia. Motorbikes rode only three rounds and the new unknown photo equipment in practice is a result of not so great examples what you can achieve with such expensive gear. And I am a bit rusty too. I'll definitely make a better test of this lens next time.

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 400

Fujifilm X-H1 + XF200mm @200mm, f/2,5, ISO200, 1/2000s

Fujifilm X-H1 + XF200mm @200mm, f/13, ISO400, 1/160s

Fujifilm X-H1 + XF200mm @200mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/4400s

Fujifilm X-H1 + XF200mm @200mm, f/2,8, ISO400, 1/2400s

Fujifilm X-H1 + XF200mm @200mm, f/2,8, ISO400, 1/1.2500s
Oglej si tudi fotografije iz leta:

1 komentar:

  1. The coverage of the Grand Prix in Nova Gorica is fantastic! It’s exciting to see such an important event from a fresh perspective. On a different note, if anyone is looking for expert eye care, I recommend visiting the eye hospital in Coimbatore for professional treatment.


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