13. 12. 2014 - Slivnica po žledu in pogled na Cerkniško jezero / Slivnica after sleet and Cerknica lake

Ponovno je gozdove prekril žled. Že drugič v tem letu so na Slivnici  vrhovi dreves polomljeni in kar je februarja ostalo celo, je sedaj zagotovo polomljeno. Ker je bilo zadnje dneve sončno vendar kar hladno vreme, je žled ostal le še na senčni strani.

Again, sleet blanketed forests. For the second time this year tree tops and branches are broken on Slivnica mountain and what was left unbroken in February, is now broken. Since last days were sunny but still a bit cold, the ice remained only on the shady side.

Fujinon 16-50mm@19mm, f/5, ISO200, 1/1800s

Fujinon 16-50mm@16mm, f/3.5, ISO200, 1/420s

Fujinon 16-50mm@28mm, f/4.5, ISO200, 1/680s
Fujinon 16-50mm@16mm, f/4.5, ISO3200, 1/56s
Fujinon 16-50mm@16mm, f/4.5, ISO500, 1/60s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/4, ISO200, 1/480s

30. 11. 2014 - 5. rally show Santa Domenica: Test Fujinon XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR

In ponovno sem poprijel za fotoaparat ter lovil trenutke na rally-ju. Končno! Ampak, ker sem stari DSLR fotoaparat (Canon 1D MK2 N) prodal že pred skoraj letom dni in je sedanji Fujifilm X-A1 neprimeren za karkoli hitrega, sem si sposodil nekaj hitrejšega a vseeno Fujifilm. Malo sem pobrskal po spletu, vendar nisem našel junaka, ki bi s tem fotoaparatm fotografiral tako zvrst. Odkar je na tržišču nov brezzrcalni fotoaparat Fujifilm X-T1, ki se je na mnogih testih izkazal za vrhunski fotoaparat, me je vedno zanimalo, če bi lahko s tem novim sistemom fotoaparata konkuriral DSLR sistemu. Da sem se dejansko spravil na rally pa je bil vzrok prihod čisto novega objektiva Fujinon XF 50-140mm f/2.8 R LM OIS WR. Ta pa naj bi bil celo boljši od klasičnega zoom objektiva 70-200mm f/2.8. Ker sem tip človeka, ki rad testira zadeve na terenu, je hitro padla odločitev in vrhunski rally show Santa Domenica je bil idealen rally za tak test. Kombinacija blata, dežja je bila idealna za testiranje vodoodpornosti tako fotoaparata kot objektiva. Vožnje drznih rally voznikov po makedamu pa je bil pravi preizkus ostrenja. In rezultat so spodnje fotografije. Po prvemu testu novega objektiva Fujinon 50-140mm f/2.8  na rally-ju sem nad izkupičkom fotografij zelo zadovoljen, saj je delovalo ostrenje kar solidno, glede na to da je bil firmware na X-T1 še 1.0. Novejši firmware naj bi imel izboljšano ostrenje - težave so se pojavljale zgolj pri konstantnem sledenju pri objektih, ki so se oddaljevali. Težave z ostrenjem pa so se pojavljale tudi pri ostalih fotografih, saj je bila svetloba zelo slaba, kar se da razbrati iz podatkov o osvetljitvi, ki so zapisani pod vsako fotografijo. Ob lepšem vremenu, bo treba test ponoviti. Na koncu bi se rad še zahvalil Infoconi, za sposojo fotoaparata in objektiva.

After almost one year I was once again chasing moments on rally event. Finally! But because my old DSLR camera (Canon 1D MK2 N) has already been sold nearly a year ago and my current Fujifilm X-A1 is not is no match for fast moving objects, I borrowed something fast and Fuji. With this camera probably no one has ever tried it in this kind of photography. Since this mirrorless camera Fujifilm X-T1 was launched on market back in April 2014 I was always interested if this is as good as DSLR camera system on such events. Plus this week a new lens came on the market Fujinon XF lens 50-140mm f / 2.8 R LM OIS WR which is an alternative to 70-200mm f/2.8, the most versatile lens for DSLR cameras. Some reviews on internet say that Fujinon is way better (on paper) than Canon’s L series 70-200mm f / 2.8. Because I'm the kind of guy who likes to test case in real situations, I quickly decided to go on awesome rally show Santa Domenica in Croatia. Weather was perfect to test weather-resistant on both camera and lens plus attractive driving skills on gravel were spot on to test focusing performances. So this was the first test of Fujinon 50-140mm f/2.8 on rally that went surprisingly better that I imagined. I had some issues with focusing, but I think this is due to old firmware of X-T1. The new update, that is currently available only for silver version should manage problems on continuous focusing. Plus weather wasn't perfect - read exif under all photos. So I shall test this lens on next rally. Finally, I would like to thank Infocona for borrowing camera and lens.

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@102mm, f/3.6, ISO400, 1/150s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@77mm, f/3.2, ISO250, 1/90s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@119mm, f/5.6, ISO200, 1/80s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@115mm, f/2.8, ISO1250, 1/2200s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO1250, 1/1200s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@59mm, f/2,8, ISO1250, 1/1100s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 1/1000s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@111mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 1/240s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@56mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 1/1600s
Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@115mm, f/2.8, ISO320, 1/100s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 1/950s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@119mm, f/2.8, ISO1600, 1/1100s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO4000, 1/2200s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@115mm, f/2.8, ISO5000, 1/4000s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO5000, 1/3300s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO2500, 1/1700s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/6.3, ISO1600, 1/200s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@119mm, f/3.6, ISO400, 1/240s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO3200, 1/550s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@140mm, f/2.8, ISO3200, 1/1200s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@106mm, f/2.8, ISO3200, 1/2000s
Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@129mm, f/2.8, ISO5000, 1/4000s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/4, ISO320, 1/12s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/3.2, ISO320, 1/58s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO320, 1/125s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO320, 1/250s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@77mm, f/2.8, ISO500, 1/120s
Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@87mm, f/4, ISO400, 1/28s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@102mm, f/2.8, ISO2500, 1/400s

Fujinon 50-140mm f / 2.8@119mm, f/2.8, ISO1000, 1/220s

LP, Žiga

26. 7. 2014 - 4. avto srečanje Koper

Na obali, pri tovarni Tomos, je potekalo že 4. srečanje novodobnih in starodobnih avtomobilov. Tokrat smo se tega srečanja udeležili tudi "člani" oldschool-slo.com foruma, kjub napovedanemu slabemu vremenu. Dobra družba, debate, čevapi, burnouti,... super je bilo!

4th meeting of modern and vintage cars took place near Tomos factory on the Slovenian coast. For the first time "members" of  forum oldschool-slo.com showed our cars on this meeting, despite the forecasted bad weather. Mates, debates, cevapi and burnouts ... it was awesome!

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.0, ISO200, 1/680s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/500s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/1300s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/22, ISO3200, 1/450s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/400s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/6.3, ISO200, 1/250s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.0, ISO200, 1/120s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/450s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/5.6, ISO200, 1/140s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/300s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/480s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO250, 1/100s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/125s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO320, 1/200s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/125s (cropped)

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/1800s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/600s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/1600s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/1600s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/1200s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO100, 1/400s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO400, 1/100s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO400, 1/900s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO400, 1/1600s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO100, 1/900s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/340s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO100, 1/640s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/950s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO200, 1/1600s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/340s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2.2, ISO200, 1/340s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO1600, 1/100s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO6400, 1/4000s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO6400, 1/60s

Samyang 12mm f/2.0@12mm, f/2, ISO500, 1/2.6s
Ostale fotografije z oldschool turc / Other photos from oldschool tours:

LP, Žiga